I keep getting the error too many downloads/logins

chuck -

If you are receiving the error page after you try to login to any of our websites, or when downloading videos...


There are a few possible reasons for this error:

1. You are traveling around the world and our system detected too many logins within a certain period of time.

What to do: Submit a request to have us reset your login, this will likely solve your issue, we only allow so many connections in a set period of time, most users never hit this limit, but traveling around the world or using a proxy server will cause this issue. If it continues to happen, see step 2 below...


2. Your login was compromised, someone has grabbed your login and too many bots or users are using your login.

What to do: If you have an easy login please let us know by submitting a ticket you would like your username and password changed, let us know what you would like it changed to, we recommend a mix of capital letters and numbers so its not easily guessed...


3. If you have downloaded many videos in a 24 hour period is another possible reason for this error. Please wait 24-48 hours and the block will auto remove, or submit a ticket to have us reset your login downloads.

We keep an eye on piracy since some users like to steal videos and provide them free around the web, unfortunately this effects real paying customers who don't wish to do this, but we have to protect our brand as well... Sorry for the inconvenience, we may be able to help keep this from happening... send us a message...





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